Monday, December 9, 2013

Vulnerable Population

open Population: juvenile M new(prenominal)s NUR/440 January 4, 2012 Bobby Hoover Vulnerable Population: Teenage Mothers The vulnerable macrocosm chosen for this newspaper is adolescentage begins. Does licence support that juvenile frets argon an at-risk cosmos? I see the answer is yes. Several factors exist that butt identify this convention as vulnerable. Research shows that teenage mothers may come from blood-red homes, single parent homes, have hapless self-esteem, a write up of depression, and a history of dose or alcohol step (Quinlivan, Tan, Steele & Black, 2004). The average teen mother is 17.5 years old. unite STATES support governs are high than both other country. $9 billion are pass annually on teen pregnancy. Florida alvirtuoso had 354,000 teen births between 1991 and 2004, be taxpayers $8.1 billion. On a local level, Orange County, Florida, had 1771 teen births in 2004, costing the county around $36 millio n (State of defense:, n.d.). From a socio frugal standpoint, teen births in the UNITED STATES are besides high to confine the data to one economic group or household makeup.
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More encouragingly, the teen birth rate for young women between the ages of 15 and 19 diminish by 2% in 2007/2008 check to the Centers for Disease work and legal communitys National Center for wellness Statistics. Birth pass judgment data for ethnic groups showed a decrease across the boards according to the National Center for wellness Statistics (The national campaign, 2011). On a personal level, my awareness of this population did not go further than to notice when a teenage lady friend was pregnant. I arrest to bias thinking that the girl mus! t be motiveless and not have any moral grounding. Frankly, I blame the girls mother for not instilling burst values in her girl and often times fantasy no better of the mother. I did not notice one ethnic group to a greater extent than another. As a mother of three daughters, I base it disgusting when my children came home from school...If you essential to get a unspoilt essay, order it on our website:

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