Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ecuadorian Rose

Ecuadors mainland acknowledges volcanic valley of which the soil is fertile. The sun illuminates the earthlike concern resulting in quality colorful blossoming roses with immobile epic stalks. The temperature of the plateau over Andes hills is so perfect to shambling it happen. Ecuador farmers of roses could puzzle almost 650 million of roses to be sold to the US with the yearly turnover of US$ 240 million (Thompson, 2003). In the assist of drudgery, Ecuador pays the campaign forces with low-toned stip demolition. This is because 10 thousands workers have to compete for the celestial orbit of transaction. particularly the north Quito region of which is populated by the poor, the flock are willing to be give with low wages provided that they get the job. Female workers are even paid with really low wages. Most of the women are poorly educated and this job does not require amply educated workers. The countries the roses exported include Kazakhstan, Kansas, Chic ago, Canada and Russia. These countries could save up their expenses on roses so they have a lot of specie to spend for other things and services. In the US, the expense of blossoming roses in retail level reaches US$ 6 each stalk. The linked States of America is the biggest importer of roses from Ecuador with the total import amounts to 70 percent unwrap of the whole number of flowers from South America.
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Ecuadors roses are high quality ones with competitive price. As supply-demand police suggests, the abundance of roses production causes the low price at the market. At retail level, the homogeneous quality of roses are sold to the end user at higher prices. The low cost of product ion and the factor of geography of Ecuador ! roses has won the competition over new-sprung(prenominal) players such as Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Mexico. The export of roses has increased the Ecuador population in the last ten years from 10,000 up to 70,000 people. This increase has an daze on the benefit of their income and tax payment from farmers. This revenue has helped rear infrastructures such as the...If you want to get a wide essay, order it on our website:

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