Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Causes of the French Revolution

Out of several causes of the cut Revolution, there are three major(ip) ones; these causes will inevitably channelize Frances society. The suppurate of Enlighten ment, had brought the idea of thinking, which allowed the nation to pull in what their society sincerely consisted of, do the peoples minds spark with the thoughts of living in an unfair government. The well-disposed governing body in France would also be a major cause, it added on to the problems already brought up and associated with the age of enlightenment, which would innovate to the French Revolution. The social system would bring unfairness between crystallizees. Financial problems in France also added on to the causes. Since, the enlightenment ideas, the diversity of social systems and fiscal problems kept escalating or becoming a bigger problem, the French Revolution began, in attempt to change all the faulty doings in the government. The Enlightenment, brought upon new ways of thinking and acqui re into France. As far as Frances chronicle was recorded, it had always been rule by absolute monarchs. Absolute monarchs learn always confirm their rule, by divine objurgate. Everything they did was seen to be o.k. and followed because God had told them to do it. But with the Age of Enlightenment, people began to mind divine right and the rule of an absolute monarch.
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They begin to realize that the job of a king was to protect and to promote serious changes to the nation, yet it was non happening. New ideas came from philosophers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire. Philosophes had a major do work on the middle class of the third Estate. The middle class were said to be the smartest of the 3rd estate, which meant the! y were the ones, how would be adequate to(p) to lead the revolt more efficiently. Unlike the workers in the class system, who would not be able to, because they were said to not be able to read the written philosophies (Doc.4). John Lockes ism was that all men were born free and have graphic rights that cannot be taken...If you indigence to get a full essay, vow it on our website:

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